Creating a Business Communication Plan for a Agenzia Brand is a fundamental moment in the corporate communication strategy.
To clarify what a correct Communication Plan is and make the best of the concept, I propose this metaphor by G. Weinberg and J. Mares:
“Think of the initial investment (for a new product or service) as pouring water into a bucket. At first, the bucket loses a lot of water because the product is not yet a full solution to the needs and problems of users. In other words, it doesn’t catch on potential customers and slips off the market without leaving a trace. As a result, a large part of the money invested in traction will drip out of the bucket.
This is the time when so many founders are making the wrong move. Since the money runs off, they think it’s all wasted. On the contrary, this process tells you where the holes in the bucket (the product) are. If you don’t interact with undecided customers with this information in mind, it’s very likely that you’ll waste your time doing the wrong things, in terms of product development.
Often now the web and digital logic are at the center of business strategies and the media such as TV, Radio, Posters, are used almost exclusively by a few hundred companies. In 99.99% of cases no startup will be able to afford the luxury of a TV campaign unless the product is of some multinational company. Therefore, we have put the world of the web at the centre of our Communication Planning. Even the big corporations, however, have now dedicated a percentage of their budget to the digital world. Surely a Pmi Communication Plan cannot ignore the fact that it places the web at the centre of its communication. The web, however, has a thousand facets that we will put in order:the creation of the site is only the first in a series of initiatives:
SEO is an important moment and so is the definition and positioning of the Keywords.
Content Article Marketing is fundamental, hence the famous phrase “CONTENT IS KING”.
ADV campaigns with Google ADS, Display, Programmatic and Remarketing that follow us on the web
social networks are now a part of the strategy with the choice based on the type of company (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.)
Emerging channels such as Youtube for videos, Instagram for photos, etc.
Influencers are the new emerging ones that populate the world of Digital PR along with Native Strategies.
Email marketing, given for dead a thousand and a thousand times but still a great tool to contact the customer directly
E-commerce is another powerful tool in the digital paraphernalia that, together with Amazon and the Market Place, cannot be ignored.
And let’s not forget the web reputation that is bothering many companies.
The last point we leave it empty because certainly between when we publish this article and when you read it will be born some other new tool Digital
How can a small business manage a digital communications plan? It would be easy to say that you rely on a good agency but there is a simple system to achieve a good corporate communications plan. Next you can see the image that we used to illustrate this article, print it (click here) and choose three of the activities indicated and then three, choose the main one that you will put at the center of your communication. Invest a right budget, neither too big nor too small (maybe select a test area) and monitor the results, if it will work continue on a larger scale. As I said at the beginning, it’s like pouring water into a bucket with a hole in it, as you start to plug the main holes, you’ll plug the main holes. Remember that every communication is like water, if not well addressed it goes away and you will disperse it. If the strategy just doesn’t work, try to change the average, but give your bucket the right time.