Agenzia Brand è un'agenzia di comunicazione a servizio completo con sede a Milano e offre la copertura a 360° di ogni servizio di comunicazione per aziende di grandi dimensioni, medie e piccole start up. Poter offrire in un'unica agenzia di consulenza, attività digital e tradizionali è essenziale per poter ottimizzare le risorse e l'efficacia della comunicazione aziendale.
Agenzia Brand da oltre 30 è a fianco di chi crede che il Brand aziendale è un valore o meglio, il vero valore di ogni azienda: i prodotti passano, il Brand no.
Clients who collaborate with Agency Brand
Brand Agency has been supporting companies in developing their Brand for almost 40 years. Over 5oo clients have entrusted their companies to our marketing or branding design consultants.
We are proud to have worked with micro clients, startups, multinationals, businesses and highly innovative companies. We have enjoyed and helped create new businesses and develop others, in short, we are happy to still be in the market and to be able to offer you our experience and unaltered enthusiasm.

Business: Automotive
Collaboration: 10 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | PR | ADV

Business: Printing
Collaboration: 20 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | PR | ADV

Business: Fleet Management
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | PR | ADV

Business: Business Consulting
Collaboration: 1 year
Services: Marketing Plan | Rebranding

Business: Brikolage
Collaboration: 1 year
Services: Rebranding

Business: Digital Tourism
Collaboration: 3 years
Services: Graphic Design | Web Projects | Events | PR

Business: Construction
Collaboration: 8 years
Services: Marketing Plan | Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | PR | ADV

Business: Transport & Logistic
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | ADV

Business: Fleet Management
Collaboration: 9 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | PR | ADV

Business: Automotive
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Rebranding | Social | Web Projects | Events

Business: Outdoor Furniture
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Events | PR | ADV

Business: Internationalization
Collaboration: 1 year
Services: Marketing Plan | Rebranding

Business: Oil & Fat
Collaboration: 8 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | PR | Marketing Plan |.

Business: Financing
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing |.

Business: Automotive
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | PR

Business: Gas & Light
Collaboration: 12 years
Services: Rebranding | Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events |

Business: Institutions
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Marketing Plan | Business Plan | Training

Business: Tourism
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events |.

Business: Building Design
Collaboration: 8 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Events |.

Business: Aerospace
Duration of collaboration: 2 years
Services: Media Plan | ADV |

Business: Automotive
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Community Projects | ADV

Business: Banking
Collaboration: 3 years
Services: Graphic Design | Community Projects | ADV

Business: Food
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | Community Projects | Events |

Business: Institutions
Collaboration: 1 year
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events |.

Business: non-profit organization
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Community Projects | Events |

Business: Business Consulting
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | PR|

Business: Banking
Collaboration: 3 years
Services: Graphic Design | Web Projects |

Business: Associations
Collaboration: 12 years
Services: Rebranding | Graphic Design | Web Projects | Training | Events |

Business: Information Technology
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | ADV |

Business: Clothing
Collaboration: 1 year
Services: Graphic Design | ADV |

Business: Information Technology
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | ADV | Email Marketing | Events | Events.

Business: Automotive Telematics
Collaboration: 3 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | ADV |

Business: Industry
Collaboration: 3 years
Services: Graphic Design | Web Projects |

Business: Information Technology
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | ADV |

Business: Automotive Telematics
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | ADV |

Business: Associations
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Web Projects |

Business: Telecommunications
Collaboration: 10 years
Services: Graphic Design | Branding

Business: Printing
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design |

Business: Construction
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | ADV | PR

Business: Papermaking
Collaboration: 1 year
Services: Graphic Design |

Business: Industry
Collaboration: 10 years
Services: Graphic Design | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Digital Marketing.

Business: Steelworks
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design |

Business: Telecommunications
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | ADV | Marketing | Events | PR

Business: Steel mills
Collaboration: 1 year
Services: ADV |

Business: Promotional
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | Industrial Design |

Business: Tourism
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Events |

Business: Telecommunications
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Branding |

Business: Printing
Collaboration: 3 years
Services: Graphic Design | Events | ADV |

Business: Ecology
Collaboration: 10 years
Services: Graphic Design | ADV| Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | PR

Business: Publishing
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Email Marketing | Events |

Business: Information Technology
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | ADV

Business: Information Technology
Collaboration: 1 year
Services: Rebranding | Graphic design|

Business: Information Technology
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design |

Business: Information Technology
Collaboration: 8 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | ADV

Business: Telecommunications
Collaboration: 5 years
Services: Graphic Design | ADV | Events |

Business: Banking
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | ADV | Events | Digital Marketing |.

Business: Public Relation
Collaboration: 10 years
Services: Graphic Design | Social | Web Projects | Email Marketing | Events | PR.

Business: Banking
Collaboration: 20 years
Services: Graphic Design | Events |

Business: Telecommunications
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Rebranding |

Business: Promotion
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | Rebranding |

Business: Information Technology
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | ADV

Business: Information Technology
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | ADV| Rebranding |

Business: Insurance
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design |

Business: Transportation
Collaboration: 2 years
Services: Graphic Design | ADV| Rebranding |