Agenzia Brand è un'agenzia di comunicazione a servizio completo con sede a Milano e offre la copertura a 360° di ogni servizio di comunicazione per aziende di grandi dimensioni, medie e piccole start up. Poter offrire in un'unica agenzia di consulenza, attività digital e tradizionali è essenziale per poter ottimizzare le risorse e l'efficacia della comunicazione aziendale.
Agenzia Brand da oltre 30 è a fianco di chi crede che il Brand aziendale è un valore o meglio, il vero valore di ogni azienda: i prodotti passano, il Brand no.
Press Office Milan to Generate Excellent Reputation

PR and press office milan, the basis of reputation
Press office is a cornerstone for building the reputation of a brand, a Company, a Product. Corporate Reputation is the result of continuous, targeted and differentiated activity.
Productive competition and the speed of change to which we are subjected have taught us that success is no longer the child of “knowing how to do” alone but, at least equally, of “letting people know.”
This means dealing with Public Relations, digital PR, and MEDIA relations (from the professional registered journalist to the young “Youtuber” who is followed by hordes of followers): capturing their attention and transferring to them the positive values of the brand so that they become its “referenced” vehicle.
A good PR Agency does this in a more timely, creative, effective way.
Why is PR important?
It is not difficult to answer this question, just ask yourself another one: “as a user, do you trust a paid advertising campaign for a product more, or the article in a prestigious magazine that talks about the same product and lists its merits and sustainability?”
Credibility is built with the ADV budget but also by reserving the right resources for PR activity. We often make choices based on the advice of a friend or influencer or by reading a credible magazine article or listening to an influential Radio station.
Last but not least, Public Relation activity allows you to generate the Backlinks so dear to Google and all search engines. Creating content and getting it published and linked to is now a must-do activity for every company and its products.
The inspiring rules of our Milan Press Office activities are:
We identify and develop innovative PR and Digital PR strategies, guidelines, and projects to emerge in the online and offline media world, improve client relationships with their stakeholders, and head together toward new Business horizons.
We constantly update our Databases and implement our media relations network to make it available to the Client. We also use the best platforms for the distribution of Press Releases, but above all we use the human factor.
Doing PR means opening up to the world and relating to it
At Office means yes, press office, sending Press Releases, making Press Review but most of all it means creating relationships. Creating relationships internal to the company and external to it. Developing creative and socializing activities through events, kick-offs, conferences, meetings, incentives, blogs, Audible, is certainly an alternative and brilliant way to introduce yourself and your company to the outside world. If you want to learn more read this article from our Blog.
BRAND AGENCY offers the following services:
- Press Office , Drafting of local releases and localization of international releases, Press Kit Production and Drafting of editorials;
- Management Interviews
- Product Testing
- Organization of Press Conferences
- Constant support during events
- Case History Realization
- Digital PR
- SEO Oriented Content
- Buzz Marketing activities on dedicated Forums and Blogs,
- Web and Personal Reputation
- Analysis of Competitors
- Social media marketing
- Online Press Review
Communication strategies:
- Constantly updated databases of newspapers and journalists
- Sending Certified Press Releases
- Recall by phone to verify
- One to One with reporters
- Online press review available to the customer